Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sleepy head

5:45 - Wide awake, can't get up.  5:53 - Still wide awake, wants to go back to sleep.  5:58 - Turns off alarm on phone, which was set to go off at 6am.  6:15 - Still awake, realizes that if I don't get our of bed now I'll be very upset later.  6:21 - Finally out of bed.

6:36 - Watch starts 

Ever have those days where you just can't get out of bed?  This morning I had a full conversation with myself about how I felt and what I really wanted to do.  It went like this…"Ahh, fuck it, I can go back to sleep and run later.  No, you made plans this afternoon and you can't go back on them.   Fine, I'll just take the day off.  No, you took Monday off, you need to log some miles this week and get speed work in for your half in April.  I know but I'm just so tired.  I didn't sleep enough.  Fine, I'm up".

I have a half marathon I signed up for in April.  Usually the motivation to get up and run is always there.  For some reason, I've been having trouble getting up the last few weeks.  I typically have the ability to just push it off until the afternoon, but today I didn't have that option.  It was an early morning run, or nothing at all.  I don't think I need to just log miles, as much as I need to get quality miles in.  Yesterday was an easy run and today I did a fairly hard run with some speed work thrown in (short compared to a real speed workout).   

March is going to be a fairly tough month for me and my training.  I really don't enjoy doing hard speed workouts, but I realize I have to in order to get my legs, lungs, and heart ready for April 14th.  To date I've been doing fairly light pace, but going much further than I used to.  I think my heart rate has only been over 160 a hand full of times in the last three months, which is fine for this time of year.  I just dread the hard-pounding-legs thrashing speed workouts.  I notice that my recovery is slower with those type of workouts as well.  All of this is going to pay a toll on my motivation and desire to roll out of bed. 

Now I know what some of you may think, "If you like running long, and hate speed workouts, then just run long.  Do some Ultras or Marathons this year instead of Halfs and 10Ks."  Well that is the plan.  Ive signed up for a 50K in June and will be signing up for a 50 Mile run in November.  I enjoy long slow distance (LSD).  I signed up for the Half Marathon this April as a redemption move from last year's sad Shamrock performance.  I signed up for this race to try and feel like an athlete again.  I ran this same race back in 2011 and finished 2 minutes off my PR time for 13.1 miles.  Now, I'd like to get close to that.  Just to feel like I still have something left in me.  Its tough not competing at a high level.  I know the next few years will be the last shot I have at that feeling.  I still have a long way to go to get back in shape, loss weight and regain form, but I am on a great track.  

I just need to get my ass out of bed.  7:15 - Watch stopped. 

TFR -w