Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/6/2012 The blue line

Meridian, Mississippi. Bonita Lake Park. 1:04 Hrs Just 15 miles south of Jaclyn's parents house is Bonita lake park. I got dropped off while they went to run some errands. "One Hour" was our agreement. I set out along the paved trail along side the lake. I knew it would head up into the woods where I could find some trails. I took the run out like a race. Nice and easy first few miles concentrating on stay smooth, and then I wanted to turn up the screws on the way back. I found this gravel road, and thought "this has to lead to somewhere fun". I was trying to find some single track trails. I came across several people along this gravel path. All women. The third person I saw though was a woman, crouching down in the middle of the path. I thought to myself, "she can't be", but she was. She was peeing and I could see EVERYTHING. She smiled at me and just said, "I had to pee". I was in shock, so I couldn't laugh or cry. As I made my way down the path, I couldn't find a single track trail that was marked well enough for me to try. I was kind of worried I would get lost and not find my way back in the my "one hour". So I got back about 3 miles and saw this path mark with a blue ribbon. I thought of it like a train or subway in New York. I'll take "the blue line" to the middle of nowhere. This trail was perfect. Just for me. Single Track. Rolling hills. Cut backs. Even a place for me to use the restroom (privately of course). I made the turn around when I got to some cross trails that looked all the same. Again, I thought that I would get lost. Like most single track trails it look completely different going the opposite direction, so there were no complaints of seeing the same thing twice. I ran with a smile. I hit the gravel path and turned up the speedometer. I felt good, having gone out slow. Got the heart rate up pretty high, with the steep hills. I was doing close to 7/m/mi, just by feel. I made it back to the lake where I was dropped in great timing. I was only 4 mins late. With no watch, I'd say that was great timing. I used the new Minimus Trail shoes from New Balance. Great on the trails. Feels like running naked, just so free. Great run, so happy to have gotten out while down here visiting. TFR. -w

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