Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Heading to crossfitrva

Road Run, Richmond VA. :45 - 5.6mi. I was pretty bummed that I didn't get up this morning and run. Two nights without sleep now and I didn't even get out for a slow jog. It was pretty cold today and I knew I wasn't going to have the chance of hitting the trails. Running through the roads in 'the fan' of Richmond can be pretty irritating at times with all the intersections and people who struggle to drive correctly. I was almost hit three times in just the first mile and a half. Running early in the morning can actually prove to be safer, even in the dark with fewer vehicles on the road. I headed down my usual path to Crossfit (gym I go to for another type of workout). I planned early on to go further than the 3.4mi to the gym that I usually do. I decided that heading down and back on Monument Ave would be a great addition, seeing how the houses there are incredible to look at. The sidewalks are pretty protected as well. I took a watch this time, cause I didn't want to be late for the crossfit class. Of course when you put a watch on me I am going revert back to my usual self and project a time that I want to finish this 5.6mi run. I set 45 mins as my goal. That would keep me under 9/min/miles (which is halfway respectable considering my current fitness level). I finished the run with a good .5 mile down hill to the gym front door. Finished in 44:10. Even though my legs felt very heavy I was right where I wanted to be time wise. Very glad I got to run today. Put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. Now for the crossfit class... Crossfitrva. Back squat 155lbs 1 x 20. WOD. 3rds of; 1 min push press 115lbs, 1 min toes to bars, 1 min double unders, 1 min rest

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